Vins du Levant
Vins du Levant is a warm, cosy and unique wine bar and shop located in the heart of Copenhagen, specialising in wines from the Levant, including Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.
The Levant is a historical-geographical term used to describe a large area in what is commonly known in most of Europe as the Middle East. The Levant includes, for example Syria, Lebanon and Palestine - and it is precisely wines from these regions that Vins du Levant specialises in.
Vins du Levant is a unique opportunity to explore the flavours of wine regions that have a rich tradition and history but have been hampered by strife and war. The owners are trying to spread the success stories of historic winemaking in the Middle East.
So it's not just about wines and spirits at Vins du Levant, but as much about celebrating the rich tapestry of flavours, cultures and traditions that define the Levant region. From spices and flavours that tantalise the taste buds, to artisan products such as beautiful traditional Hebron glasses that tell stories of the past and present. The idea is to immerse you in a wealth of exciting culture and history while challenging your senses.
So whether you're a seasoned wine connoisseur or brand new to this world, you're welcome at Vins du Levant, where every glass, bottle or cocktail reflects the artistry of local winemakers and captures a living history and culture not to be forgotten. Join us in raising a glass to the extraordinary flavours of Levant!