Sydhavnens Vinbar & Vinbutik
At Sydhavnens Vinbar & Butik you'll find organic, biodynamic, and natural wine with a clear focus on quality.
Sydhavnens Vinbar & Vinbutik is a gem, where the performance of the wine is most important.
Sydhavnens Vinbar & Vinbutik is a boutique and wine bar, which you may visit and have a glass of wine or simply enjoy the wine bar. The wine bar was started by Lars, who has been showing a deep interest in wine since 1984 and has been working with wine professionally since 1991. In 2016 the boutique began its import of three different kinds of wine: a Chenin-based bush wine, which Lars harvested and pressed himself in South Africa - a fresh Solaris from Skåne in Sweeden and amphora wine from Slovenia.
Sydhavnens Vinbar & Vinbutik has a personal relationship with all the wine farmers, who are the people behind the bottles in the boutique. Therefore, these people are cherished as much as the wine contained in the bottles.
In 2021 Sydhavnens Vinbar & Vinbutik was awarded a special price for being a unique location in the neighborhood of Sydhavn to make this area further attractive to live in and visit.