Enlil Bakery
A bakery where ingredients and craftsmanship are geeked to perfection. In the heart of Lyngby you will find the small bakery Enlil - an organic sourdough bakery. And it's definitely worth a visit.
At Enlil, they use local ingredients and an unwavering respect for the old craftsmanship. They have a shared vision of creating a bakery with room for geekiness and where as much as possible is organic.
The bakery has a small but delicate selection of baked goods. Several of their breads are baked several times daily so that you can bring home freshly baked bread for your afternoon coffee.
The people behind the bakery are Simon Lund Clemmensen and Martin Sandgreen, and they dare to dream big. And with good reason. Just one month after they opened their first bakery, Ard Bakery in Frederiksberg, they caught the eye of The New York Times.
Now, they have opened their sister bakery, Enlil in Lyngby, together with the newest baker on the team, Mathias Poss.