Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark
Is it better down where it's wetter? Find out at Denmark's National Aquarium.
Experience the world under the sea as you discover majestic hammerhead sharks, secretive octopi and graceful rays at Northern Europe’s largest aquarium, Den Blå Planet (The Blue Planet) in Copenhagen.
Dive beneath the surface at Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark, and explore seven million liters of water. The whirlpool-inspired architecture contains five different sections, representing a vast array of species and habitats. Visit the bird colonies on the steep fells of the Faroe Islands, the playful sea otters from Alaska, and the elusive Giant Pacific octopus. In warmer waters, you can visit the colorful fish of the coral reef, the curious creatures of the lakes and rivers in Africa, and the crown jewel of the aquarium: the beautiful Ocean Tank.
The Ocean Tank, the Water Playground, and the Tropical Rainforest
The Ocean Tank contains majestic hammerhead sharks and elegant rays, and you can get right beneath the surface in our underwater tunnel.
Gain knowledge about local flora and fauna by going on an adventure in the ‘The Wild Waterhole’, where our storytellers will help you identify the different exciting animals living in the pond. Gain an appreciation for the exciting and beautiful local nature surrounding the aquarium, while you explore the outdoor facilities of Den Blå Planet.
At the Water Playground, you can learn while you play, with pumps and drains that display all the different ways water can be used. There is, of course, a more traditional playground too, with swings and monkey bars for lots of active fun.
Take a walk through the Tropical Rainforest, where piranhas and arapaimas rule the water. Look closely! Tiny frogs and other exciting animals hide in the shrubbery.
A visit to Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark is a unique insight into the wonderful world of aquatic life and guarantees an experience that combines entertainment and knowledge in a spectacular setting.