Bloom Festival
Bloom Festival is Copenhagen’s very first festival celebrating nature and science
Just like we cheer for sportsmen and popstars, Bloom Festival is here to give credit to the world’s brilliant scientists.
Denmark has a proud history within science, counting several bright heads such as Tycho Brahe, Ole Rømer, H.C. Ørsted and Niels Bohr. Honouring this tradition, Bloom Festival wants to revive the general interest in natural sciences by bringing things out from the labs for everyone to experience.
So, if you’re one of those people that think natural science sounds a bit dull, you might want to reconsider. At Bloom Festival, nature and science is crossed with philosophy, art and culture in sensuous, social and aesthetic formats, where everyone can participate.
Scientists and innovative thinkers from all over the world will be participating, sharing their thoughts and philosophies. Take part in debates, talks and nature wanderings or experience laboratories, concerts, art installations and many other things at Bloom Festival.
The festival takes place at the green fields of Søndermarken in Frederiksberg, and is free for everyone that wants to broaden their horizon.
Behind the festival is Golden Days in collaboration with the Carlsberg Foundation and supported by the Roskilde Festival Foundation. Read more about the festival and the speakers at Bloom Festival’s website.
Longitude: 12.5244891643524
Latitude: 55.669017458188